Citizen Science 

Science with the population

In a nutshell

  • In Citizen Science projects, volunteers and full-time researchers work together and gain new knowledge.
  • Science et Cité conducted the first situation analysis of Citizen Science in Switzerland.  As a result, the Schweiz forscht platform was founded in 2015, which promotes Citizen Science projects and offers networking activities, information and guidelines. 
  • In the future, Citizen Science is to be anchored even more firmly in society.


Citizen science is increasingly becoming a catch-all term for the many methods with which volunteers can participate in research. Citizen Science has become very relevant in science and science communication in various countries in recent years, especially in the Anglo-Saxon world. Due to the Swiss tradition of natural science societies dating back to the 19th century, nature observation by volunteers is a very well established field in this country. To date, the majority of existing citizen science projects in Switzerland come from the field of natural sciences. In recent years, however, many projects have also been developed in the medical sciences as well as in humanities and social sciences.

The Schweiz forscht platform and network were founded by Science et Cité in 2015 in response to a need expressed by various providers of citizen science projects in Switzerland. In 2018, Science et Cité / Schweiz forscht was responsible for the conception and implementation of the second European Citizen Science Conference. In 2023, they organized the Swiss Citizen Science Conference, CitSci Helvetia. Schweiz forscht has intensified its activities since 2021 as part of a special initiative.

This special initiative, which will run until 2024, is made possible by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. During this time, a participatory process was started in order to further develop Citizen Science in Switzerland in a targeted and impact-oriented way.

This led, among other things, to the publication of Citizen Science in Switzerland: Taking Stock and Ways into the Future and the 10 Swiss Citizen Science Principles

Schweiz forscht

Tasks of the office for Citizen Science in Switzerland

The office is in charge of the Citizen Science network Schweiz forscht. It is the point of contact for project leaders and project staff of Citizen Science projects, media, representatives of universities, research institutions, NGOs and associations as well as people who are involved with Citizen Science on an institutional level. The office is part of an international network and works closely with Germany and Austria in particular.

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