Mission and methods

Multilateral dialogue

Science et Cité specialises in low-threshold and innovative forms of communication, often with direct contact between researchers and the population. In doing so, the Foundation promotes the appreciation and understanding of all sciences and addresses their opportunities and limitations. Similarly, the foundation also encourages civil society to provide feedback to the sciences, especially on questions of values.

Science et Cité focuses on topics that are of current interest and concern to society, and uses them to promote knowledge and the formation of opinions for the benefit of democracy. Sustainability issues are of particular importance in this context.

In all three language regions, Science et Cité employees manage projects that are aimed at children and teenages as well as adults. Projects, both analogue and digital, focus on a specific target audience. To achieve this, the Foundation works with a wide range of partners and stakeholders involved in education, science, business, culture and politics.

Our partners

Where we are and where in Switzerland we had already projects since 2020. 

Centre of Excellence for networking, monitoring and know-how transfer

As the Centre of Excellence for dialogue of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, Science et Cité promotes national networking in the field of science communication: to this end, the Foundation organises the annual ScienceComm congress and cultivates ties with its international sister organisations.

The congress

Launched in 2023, SciComm Courses CH is a platform for further education and training courses in the field of science communication. The platform focuses on publicly accessible courses offered in Switzerland. 

More about SciCommCourses

Another central elemant is the promotion of Citizen Science, which allows interested people to participate in research projects. The platform Schweiz forscht was created for this purpose. It highlights Citizen Science projects and offers networking activities, information and guidelines for people involved in Citizen Science.

Learn more about Citizen Science

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